J . W. Hankie

My Dreams

To My Love My Life My Wive, Patricia

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich








There are monsters, ghosts, supernatural things, time travel, and people with physic abilities. Everything people fear exist in our dreams. What are dreams? Many professionals say it is the key to all of our mental problems. Others think it is just a rehashing of one's day, but how many of us see monsters or go to school without pant on a daily basis? Others say we all go crazy in our sleep, it is the only thing that keeps us sane in our day to day lives.

The following are stories from my actual dreams, at least the ones that made any sense at all. I wonder what they may point out as to what I am like deep in my psyche or how crazy I would be if I did not dream.








Haunted Hotel 

Power Stone 

The Affect 

Walk of Discovery 

Where Are They 

Scared to Death 

The Dark 


















“Officer Franks, Officer Franks!” shouted Mae a local bag lady. “Joe has disappeared! He has been gone since yesterday morning!”

The old veteran cop gets out of his patrol car and stretches his back, “Now Mae you know he probably just got boozed up with a buddy and passed out in their hangout.”

“No! He always comes back to me no matter how much he had to drink. Besides I saw him talking to someone in a long black coat and hat. They got into a strange black van and drove away.”

“Maybe he picked up a small job and he crashed close by so he could work again today?”

“No! He would have got word to me somehow.”

“Ok, I will keep an eye out for him. Where was this van and what kind was it?”

“They were in the alley between Fourth and Fifth at Main. I do not know what the van was, it looked like a box on wheels.”

“Most of them do anymore. I'll look into it, you just relax, he will probably show up before long.”

“Are you really going to look for an old drunk Joe?” asked his rookie partner of three weeks.

“Once you get to know your beat and the people on them, you will know which ones you need to pay close attention to. Joe and Mae maybe homeless drunks, but they are good people. They watch out for new people on the street, help the sick ones, and even help me if I am looking for anyone in the area. So, yes we are going to check out the alley and keep an eye out for a boxy black van. Any questions?”

“No, I am here to learn from you and they say you are the best in the city to learn from.”

On the drive to the alley, Frank noticed some of the regulars were not in the area. At the alley, Frank saw Old Howie's mangy dog Mooch lying just outside of the alley. Frank has never seen Howie and Mooch separate from each other.

“Max, keep an eye on Mooch while I take a walk down the alley. I am getting a funny feeling something is just not right.”

Nothing out of the ordinary, trash bins overflowing, cardboard shelters, and pallets waiting to be picked up. Wait, there is no one in the shelters and no animals, cats, dogs, or rats. That is strange, at this time of the day the homeless residents of the area usually are undercover examining what they collected in the morning rush hours and waiting for their afternoon routine to start.

“What did you find?”

Frank jumped at the question from Max, “I told you to stay with Mooch, what are you doing here?”

“The mutt wandered off.”

“Come on, which way did he go?”

They went to the next alley and Mooch was there looking down the alley and growling. At the other end of the alley was a boxy black van with no plates or rear window. Stretch, another local was standing beside the van and was suddenly pulled inside as the van took off.

Frank automatically pulled his gun and charged down the alley yelling, “Get the car and circle the block and pick me up!”

At the end of the alley, Frank turned in the direction the van turned and saw it make a left turn at the next corner. A second later Max came screeching around the same corner, siren blaring.

He pulled to a stop and Frank jumped in, “Why didn't you stop the van?”

“What van, I didn't see any van!”

“It went around the corner two seconds before you did! You could not have missed it!”

“There was no van, you can check the car camera, you know it comes on when we turn the siren on. Honestly, there was no van.”

They took off and circled several blocks with no sign of the van. Frank went back to the area and questioned people in the area about the van. Only a few regulars already boozed up, said the thing comes and disappears after talking to someone. Oh, also, the someone disappears.

The rest of the day they spent at the station doing reports and talking to their Captain, who scoffed at the idea of a mysterious disappearing van kidnapping winos and that it was not high on their priority list of crimes if it did exist. Frank has already decided to look into this himself on and off his watch.

That night Frank wandered through the streets looking in alleys and checking in on the locals. All was quiet the first two hours when he rounded the corner onto Third Street.

“No! I will not come any closer! Tell me where Old Joe is right now!”

Frank recognized Mae's shriek immediately and took off running towards the commotion. There was Mae, hands on her hips, just outside the alley shouting at the black van. He ran up to her and pulled his gun as he stepped in front of her to look into the van.

The moment he did, his entire body started tingling and he could not move a single muscle. A humming from inside the van brought his attention to the darkness inside. It was like looking into a cave at night, coal black.

He felt his body being lifted off the ground and forward into the van. As he passed the doorway, a ring of lights and a mist was shot over him making his skin tingle even more. Frank heard Mae screaming and calling his name as the lights went off and the doors slammed behind him.

Another ring started glowing in front of him with a midnight blue color. The inside of the ring began to swirl of black and blue as he was drawn into it. The next moment he was in a blinding white light inside a dull, gray, metallic room.

A tall figure dressed in a black robe was standing behind a console pushing buttons. Frank could not see its face but knew it had to be hideous because the four-fingered hands he could see were gnarled and greenish/gray with long nails on each finger.

Frank realized he was standing in a clear tube naked and without his gun. He looked to his sides and saw other tubes and each had people in them in the same condition. Each had a hopeless look and some were crying.

A group of five aliens appeared beside the one at the console. One of them nodded and the first pushed a button and a tube three down from Frank started glowing. That person burst into dust and was sucked down a vent in the bottom of their tube.

One of the five approached the tube and withdrew a large vial from the base. It returned to the console, opened the vial and put one of its long nails into the gray powder that was inside. It lifted the finger to its head and pulled back its hood.

The head was the same color as the hands he saw. It was round but lumpy. Its eyes were huge in comparison, light green with red veins spreading towards the center. The nose and mouth were horizontal slits with swollen edges covered with a mucus-like substance.

It pushed the nail into its nose and pulled it out clean. It started to shiver and the head started to pulsate in some areas. After few seconds it was still and it looked at the others and nodded. They left after it pointed at us, sweep its hand from left to right.

Another tube glowed and the operator collected the vial. Interplanetary drug dealers, that is all they are and we are the drug. Something in our make up, when dissolved gets these things high.

It looks like I am next, I wonder if the captain will think it worthy of his time to look for a missing cop?