Cover Page

MRI in Practice

Fifth Edition

Catherine Westbrook

EdD, MSc, FHEA, PgC (Learning & Teaching), DCRR, CTC

Senior Lecturer
Anglia Ruskin University

John Talbot

EdD, MSc, FHEA, PgC (Learning & Teaching), DCRR

Senior Lecturer
Anglia Ruskin University

Wiley Logo

Preface to the fifth edition

The MRI in Practice brand continues to grow from strength to strength. The fourth edition of MRI in Practice is an international best-seller and is translated into several languages. At the time of writing, the accompanying MRI in Practice course is 26 years old. We have delivered the course to more than 10 000 people in over 20 countries and have a large and growing MRI in Practice online community. Our readers and course delegates include a variety of professionals such as radiographers, technologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, veterinary practitioners, nuclear medicine technologists, radiography students, postgraduate students, medical students, physicists, and engineers.

The unique selling point of MRI in Practice has always been its user-friendly approach to physics. Difficult concepts are explained as simply as possible and supported by clear diagrams, images, and animations. Clinical practitioners are not usually interested in pages of math and just want to know how it essentially “all works.” We believe that MRI in Practice is so popular because it speaks your language without being oversimplistic.

This fifth edition has had a significant overhaul and specifically plays to the strengths of the MRI in Practice brand. We have created a synergy between the book and the course so that they are best able to support your learning. We purposefully focus on physics in this edition and on essential concepts. It is important to get the fundamentals right, as they underpin more specialist areas of practice. There are completely new chapters on MRI equipment and safety, and substantially revised and expanded chapters on gradient-echo pulse sequences, k-space, artifacts, and angiography. The very popular learning tips and analogies from previous editions are expanded and revised. There is also a new glossary, lots of new diagrams and images, and suggestions for further reading for those who wish to delve deeper into physics. The accompanying website includes new questions and additional animations. We also include some equations in this edition, but don’t worry: they are there only for those who like equations, and we explain what they mean in a user-friendly style.

However, probably the most significant change in this edition is the inclusion of scan tips. Throughout the book, your attention is drawn to how theory applies to practice. Scan tips are specifically used to alert you to what is going on “behind the scenes” when you select a parameter in the scan protocol. We hope this helps you make the connection between theory and practice. Physics in isolation is of little value to the clinical practitioner. What is important is how this knowledge is applied. We stand by the MRI in Practice philosophy that physics does not have to be difficult, and we hope that our readers, old and new, find these changes helpful. Richard Feynman, who is considered one of the finest physics teachers of all time, was renowned for his ability to transfer his deep understanding of physics to the page with clarity and a minimum of fuss. He believed that it is unnecessary to make physics more complicated than it need be. Our aspiration is that the fifth edition of MRI in Practice emulates his way of thinking.

We hope that the many fans of MRI in Practice around the world continue to enjoy and learn from it. A big thank you for your continued support and happy reading!

Catherine Westbrook

John Talbot

November 2017

United Kingdom


Many thanks to all my loved ones for their continued support, especially Maggie Barbieri (my mother, whose brain scans feature many times in all the editions of this book and in the MRI in Practice course for the last 26 years. She must have the most viewed brain in the world!), Francesca Bellavista, Amabel Grant, Adam, Ben and Maddie Westbrook.

Catherine Westbrook

I’d like to thank my family Dannie, Joey, and Harry for bringing coffee, biscuits, and occasionally gin and tonic. I would also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the work of a great MRI pioneer, Prof. Sir Peter Mansfield, who died this year. Prof. Mansfield’s team created the first human NMR image in 1976, and he kindly shared all of his most important research papers with me when I first started writing about this amazing field.

John Talbot


Generic Siemens GE Philips Hitachi Toshiba
Pulse sequences
Conventional spin-echo (SE) SE SE SE SE SE
Turbo spin-echo (TSE) TSE FSE TSE FSE FSE
TSE (with restoration pulse) RESTORE FRFSE DRIVE driven equilibrium FSE T2 Puls FSE
Inversion recovery (IR) IR IR/MPIR IR IR IR
Fast inversion recovery TIR Fast IR IR-TSE IR IR
Fluid-attenuated IR (FLAIR) turbo dark fluid FLAIR FLAIR FLAIR fast FLAIR
Gradient-echo (GRE) GRE GRE FFE GE field echo
Coherent gradient-echo FISP GRASS FFE rephased SARGE SSFP
Incoherent gradient-echo FLASH SPGR T1 FFE spoiled SARGE fast FE
Reverse-echo gradient-echo PSIF SSFP T2 FFE time-reversed SARGE
Balanced gradient-echo true FISP FIESTA BFFE balanced SARGE true SSFP
Echo-planar imaging (EPI) EPI EPI EPI EPI EPI
Double-echo steady state DESS
Balanced dual excitation CISS FIESTA-C phase balanced SARGE
Multi-echo-data-image-combination MEDIC MERGE MFFE
Fast gradient-echo turbo FLASH fast GRE, fast SPGR TFE RGE Fast FE
Hybrid sequence TGSE GRASE Hybrid EPI
Contrast parameters
Repetition time (TR) TR TR TR TR TR
Time to echo (TE) TE TE TE TE TE
Time from inversion (TI) TI TI TI TI TI
Flip angle flip angle flip angle flip angle flip angle Flip angle
Number of echoes (in TSE) turbo factor ETL turbo factor shot factor ETL
b factor/value b factor b factor b factor b factor b factor
Geometry parameters
Field of view (FOV) FOV (mm) FOV (cm) FOV (mm) FOV (mm) FOV (mm)
Rectangular FOV FOV phase PFOV rectangular FOV rectangular FOV rectangular FOV
Slice gap distance factor gap gap slice interval gap
Data acquisition parameters
Averages average NEX NSA NSA NSA
Bandwidth bandwidth (Hz/pixel) receive bandwidth (KHz) fat water shift (pixel) bandwidth (KHz) bandwidth (KHz)
Variable bandwidth optimized bandwidth variable bandwidth optimized bandwidth variable bandwidth matched bandwidth
Partial averaging half Fourier fractional NEX half scan half scan AFI
Partial echo asymmetric echo partial echo partial echo half echo matched bandwidth
Parallel imaging (image based) mSENSE ASSET SENSE RAPID SPEEDER
Parallel imaging (k-space based) GRAPPA ARC
Artifact reduction techniques
Radial k-space filling BLADE PROPELLOR multiVane RADAR JET
Gradient moment rephasing GMR/flow comp flow comp flow comp/FLAG GR FC
Presaturation pre SAT Sat REST Pre SAT Pre SAT
Moving sat pulse travel SAT walking SAT travel REST Sequential pre SAT BFAST
Fat saturation fat SAT chem SAT SPIR Fat Sat MSOFT
Out-of-phase imaging DIXON IDEAL ProSET Water excitation PASTA
Respiratory compensation respiratory gated respiratory compensation PEAR MAR respiratory gated
Antialiasing (frequency) oversampling antialiasing frequency oversampling frequency oversampling frequency wrap suppression
Antialiasing (phase) phase oversampling no phase wrap fold-over suppression antiwrap phase wrap suppression
Special techniques
Volume TSE variable flip angle SPACE CUBE VISTA
Volume gradient-echo VIBE LAVA-XV THRIVE TIGRE
Dynamic MRA TWIST TRICKS-SV keyhole (4d Trak)
Noncontrast MRA gradient-echo NATIVE – true FISP inhance inflow IR B-TRANCE VASC ASL TIME-SLIP
Susceptibility weighting SWI SWAN Venous BOLD
High-resolution breast imaging VIEWS VIBRANT-XV BLISS RADIANCE
Diffusion-weighted imaging DWI DWI DWI DWI DWI
Diffusion tensor imaging DTI DTI diffusion tensor imaging DTI
Body diffusion imaging REVEAL DWIBS body vision


S spin quantum number
N+ number of spins in the high-energy population (Boltzmann)
N number of spins in the low-energy population (Boltzmann)
ΔE energy difference between high- and low-energy populations (Boltzmann) J
k Boltzmann’s constant J/K
T temperature of the tissue K
ω0 precessional or Larmor frequency MHz
γ gyromagnetic ratio MHz/T
B0 external magnetic field strength T
E energy of a photon J
h Planck’s constant J/s
θ flip angle °
ω1 precessional frequency of B1 μT
B1 magnetic field associated with the RF excitation pulse mT
τ duration of the RF excitation pulse ms
ϵ emf V
N number of turns in a coil
changing magnetic flux in a single loop V/s
dt changing time s
Mzt amount of longitudinal magnetization at time t
Mz full longitudinal magnetization
Mxyt amount of transverse magnetization at time t
Mxy full transverse magnetization
SI signal intensity in a tissue
ΔB0 variation in magnetic field ppm
G gradient amplitude mT/m
δ gradient duration ms
Δ time between two gradient pulses ms
b b value or b factor s/mm2
ST scan time s
ES echo spacing in turbo spin-echo (TSE) ms
t time from inversion (TI) ms
Ernst Ernst angle °
TEeff effective TE ms
TEact TE set at the console ms
Bp magnetic field strength at a point along the gradient T
Slt slice thickness mm
TBW transmit bandwidth KHz
ωsampling digital sampling frequency KHz
ΔTs sampling interval ms
ωNyquist Nyquist frequency KHz
RBW receive bandwidth KHz
Ws sampling window ms
M(f) frequency matrix
M(p) phase matrix
Ns number of slice locations
G(p) max amplitude of the phase encoding gradient mT/m
φ incremental step between each k-space line
G(f) amplitude of the frequency encoding gradient mT/m
FOV(f) frequency FOV cm
σ standard deviation of background signal or noise
Sp separation between ghosts due to motion p pixels
Tm period of motion of something moving in the patient ms
Re Reynolds number
d density of blood g/cm3
v velocity of flow cm/s
m diameter of a vessel cm
vis viscosity of blood g/cm s
fp perceived frequency KHz
ft actual frequency KHz
ωcsf chemical shift frequency difference between fat and water Hz
Cs chemical shift (3.5 ppm or 3.5 × 10−6) ppm
CSp pixel shift mm
H0 magnetic intensity A/m
q charge of a particle C
F Lorentz force (total emf on a charged particle) V
E electric field vector
B magnetic field vector

About the companion website

This book is accompanied by a companion website:   inline

The website includes: