
New Directions in Media History

Richard Butsch, Screen Culture: A Global History

John Nerone, The Media and Public Life: A History

Screen Culture

A Global History

Richard Butsch









In memory of my sisters, Ruth and Peggy,

and in appreciation of Ava and Noah as living inspirations.


In researching and writing this book I have striven to see the forest, but also to see the trees well enough to see how they make a forest. To do this, I have had to rely on sources produced by thousands of scholars, many not directly cited, from whom I have accumulated knowledge and insights over decades that allowed me to see the trees and the forest. I wish to thank those scholars.

I also wish to thank a few by name whose work and reflections have helped me through this project and to whom I am grateful: Richard Abel, Katherine Fuller, Sonia Livingstone, Richard Maltby, Virginia Nightingale, Janet Staiger, Silvio Waisbord, and anonymous reviewers for Polity Press. Further, I could not have done the research for this book without the help of Rose Hilgar, who tracked down and obtained for me, often beyond the call of duty, innumerable books and articles, primary and secondary sources through inter-library loans. Finally, as always, I thank Ava Baron, whose unstinting support and insightful guidance from beginning to end enabled me to find my way through the forest to a book manuscript.


NYT New York Times
MPW Moving Picture World
HJFRT Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
Annals Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science
ILWCH   International Labor and Working Class History