Table of Contents
What Leading Newspapers Say About Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Her Work
It's not how much you know but what you can DO that counts
Human Analysis—The X-Ray
Reaction to Environment
Learn From the Sagebrush
Moving Won't Help Much
Understand Yourself and Others
Primitive Problems
Civilization's Changes
Causes of Failure
Mastering His Own Environment
Facing New Enemies
The Modern Spider's Web
Adapt or Die
Externals Indicate Internal Nature
Significance of Size, Shape and Structure
Differences in Breed
The Instinct of Self-Preservation
Interrelation of Body and Brain
Movies and Face Muscles
Tells Fundamentals
Learning to Read
Reading People
Only a Few Feelings
Thoughts Bring Actions
Physiology and Psychology Interwoven
The Evolution of the Jaw
Inheritance of Acquired Traits
Law of Size
Jaws Becoming Smaller
Meaning of the Big Jaw
Exhibit A—The Irishman
Natural Selection
Built to Fit
Survival of the Fittest
Causes of Racial Characteristics
Types Earlier than Races
Five Biological Types
These Rules Work
Do What We Want to Do
Preferences Inborn
Follow Our Bents
"Took It" From Grandmother
Man No Mystery
The Hold of Habit
Significance of Fat, Bone and Muscle
Succeed at What We Like
Enthusiasm and Self-Expression
Learn to Drive Your Car
Five Makes of Human Cars
Can Not be Deceived
Are You a Ford or a Pierce?
Superficialities Sway Us
Bicycles in Congress
Don't Judge by Veneer
The Real Always There
Causes of Crime
Find Your Own Type
Knowing and Helping Others
The Four C's
These Rules Your Tools
Fewer and Truer
The Five Extremes
The Human Alphabet
Founded in Five Biological Systems
The Secret of Individuality
Combinations Common in America
To Analyze People
Postpone Combinations
The Five Types
At Birth
Type Never Disappears
Effect of Eating
The Alimentive Type
"The Enjoyer"
Physical Rotundity
The Fat, Overweight Individual
Small Hands and Feet
The Pure Alimentive Head
The Round-Faced Person
The Man of Few Movements
The Fat Man's Walk
Spilling Over Chairs
Clothes for Comfort
Susceptible to Cold
How the Fat Man Talks
Doesn't Tell His Troubles
The Fat Man "Lives to Eat"
Visits the Soda Fountain Often
The Deep Mystery
Fat-Making Foods
Why They Don't Lose Weight
An Experiment
A Short Life But a Merry One
"I Should Worry," Says the Fat Man
Digestion and Contentment
The Most Popular Type Socially
Likes Complacent People
Chooses Food-Loving Friends
When He Doesn't Like You
Holds Few Grudges
Avoids the "Ologists"
No Theorist
Where the T-Bones Go
Describes His Food
Eats His Way to the Grave
Diseases He Is Most Susceptible To
Fat Men and Influenza
The Fat Man's Ford Engine
Making a Truck out of Your Ford
Don't "Kill Your Engine"
How Each Finds Happiness
The World Needs Him
Enjoyment the Keynote of This Type
The Fat Man Loves Comfort
The Fat Millionaire
When the Fat Man is in Average Circumstances
The Fat Man a Good Provider
Not a Reformer
When the Fat Man is Poor
Fat People Love Leisure
Not a Strenuous Worker
Everybody Likes Him
The World Managed by Fat People
Fat Men to the Top
The Popular Politician
Makes Others Work
The Fat Salesman
The Drummers' Funny Stories
Jokes at Fat Men's Expense
The Fat Man's Habits
Won't Speed Up
Loves Comedy
Inclined to Indolence
Likes Warm Rooms
Enjoys Doing Favors
Likes Melody
Goes to the Cabaret
Likes a Girly-Show
The One Made Sport Of
A Movie Fan
Easy Entertainment
The Babies of the Race
Loves the Circus
Fat People at the Beach
Not Strenuous
The Art of Getting Out Of It
The Peaceable Type
Avoids Expensive Quarrels
The Real Thing
Always Ready for Food
Avoids Sports
The Personal Element
Avoids Book Stores
Naturally Realistic
Physical Assets
Physical Liabilities
Social Assets
Social Liabilities
Emotional Assets
Emotional Liabilities
Business Assets
Business Liabilities
Domestic Strength
Domestic Weakness
Should Aim At
Should Avoid
Strongest Points
Weakest Points
How to Deal with this Type Socially
How to Deal with this Type in Business
The Thoracic Type
"The Thriller"
Physical Resilience
The Florid-Faced, High-Chested Individual
Betray Their Feelings
The Man of Great Chest Expansion
Advantages of a High Chest
Long-Waisted People
Passing of the "Wasp Waist"
Belts vs. Suspenders
To Test Yourself
The Pure Thoracic Head
The Kite-Shaped Face
His Well-Developed Nose
Signs of Good Lungs
The Typical Thoracic Hand
The Beautiful Foot
The Man of Energetic Movements
The Thoracic Walk
The Graceful Sitter
Keen Eye and Ear Senses
Susceptible to Heat
The High-Strung
The Most Temperamental
A Continuous Performance
The Quick Temper
The Human Firefly
The Red-Haired
The "Flash in the Pan"
Desire for Approbation
Acts Indicate Desires
Shines in Public Life
Many on the Stage
"Put Yourself in His Place"
Tendency, Not Toil, Makes Fame
Nature the Real Artist
Success for All
Why We Work
Ambition and Type
The Best Dressed
Clothes Can Unmake the Man
The Glass of Fashion
Distinction in Dress
Dress the Universal Language
The Newest in Hairdressing
Always on "Dress Parade"
Affectability His Keynote
Gets the Most Out of Everything
The Human Violin
A Reputation for Flightiness
The Quick Thinker
His Changeability
His "Batting Average"
Should Get Onto the Highway
Should Have an Aim
Eliminating Non-Essentials
No Vain Regrets
Always Slightly Thrilled
Lights and Shadows
The Uncorked Bottle
Everybody is Interesting
Not Secretive
His "Human Interest"
Naturally Confidential
Charming Conversationalist
Beautiful Voice
The Lure of Spontaneity
Sometimes a "Bubbler"
The Incessant Talker
A Sense of Humor
The Human Fireworks
Never Dull Company
Lives in the Heights and Depths
Called "Intuitive"
Source of "Hunches"
Easily Excited
On the Spur of the Moment
The Adventurers
Tires of Sameness
Likes Responsive People
People He Dislikes
His Pet Aversions
The Forgiving Man
Really Forgets Disagreements
Diseases He is Most Susceptible To
Likes Fancy Foods
"The Trimmings" at Dinner
Sensitive to His Surroundings
Wants "Something Different"
When He is Rich
Fashion and "Flare"
Likes Dash
Has Color Sense
When He is in Moderate Circumstances
When He is Poor
The World Entertained by Them
His Fastidious Habits
Likes All Music
Entertainment He Prefers
Enjoys Vaudeville
Physical Assets
Physical Liabilities
Favorite Sports
Social Assets
Social Liabilities
Emotional Assets
Emotional Liabilities
Business Assets
Business Liabilities
Domestic Strength
Domestic Weakness
Should Aim At
Should Avoid
Strong Points
Weakest Points
How to Deal with This Type Socially
How to Deal with this Type in Business
The Muscular Type
"The Worker"
The "Lean Meat" Type
Helpless Without Them
How to Know Him
Physical Solidity
Not So Malleable
Built on the Square
No Type Superior Morally
Type and Temptation
Praise and Punishment
Type vs. Training
Child Training
Short and Stocky
The Square-Shouldered Man
Has Proportionately Long Arms
The Pure Muscular Head
His Thick Neck
His Square Face
His Square Jaw
The Typical Muscular Hand
The Square Fingers of This Type
The Manual Worker
The Hand of the Creative Artist
The "Hand Arts"
Head and Hand Partners
His Powerful Movements
His Forceful Walk
You Hear Him Coming
The Loud Voice
His Stentorian Tones
Famous Male Singers
The Solid Sitter
Activity His Keynote
Movement and Development
The Immigrant Muscular
Inertness Irks Him
Must Be Doing Something
The Born Worker
Require Less Watching
Seldom Unemployed
Likes To Do Things
The Muscular's Pugnacity
Loves the Strenuous Life
The Acrobatic Type
Acrobats Always Muscular
Why They Don't Do It
Durability in Clothes
Likes Heavy Materials
The Plain Dresser
A Simple Soul
Humanness His Hobby
An Everyday Individual
When in Trouble
The Most Practical Type
He Likes What Works
The Natural Efficiency Expert
The Property Owner
Wants the Necessities
His Heart and Soul in Things
An Enthusiast
The Plain Talker
Likes the Common People
Snubs the Snobs
Defends the "Under Dog"
Often on the Warpath
The Most Generous Friend
Not a Quick Forgiver
The Naturally Independent
Likes Plain Foods
When He is in Moderate Circumstances
When He is Rich
The World's Work Done by Musculars
Simple Habits
Entertainment He Enjoys
Music He Likes
His Favorite Sports
Physical Assets
Physical Liabilities
Social Assets
Social Liabilities
Emotional Assets
Emotional Liabilities
Business Assets
Business Liabilities
Domestic Strength
Domestic Weakness
Should Aim At
Should Avoid
Strongest Points
Weakest Points
How to Deal with this Type Socially
How to Deal with this Type in Business
The Osseous Type
"The Stayer"
How to Know Him
The "Raw-Boned" Man
Physical Rigidity
His Size Looks Formidable
His Ruggedness
The Steady Man
Immovability His Keynote
The "Six-Footer"
Large Bones for His Body
The "Small Osseous"
The Pioneer Type
Not a "Softie"
Consistency in Types
His High Cheek Bones
Built on the Oblong
The Oblong Hand
Knotty Fingers
No Guesswork in Nature
The Man of Slow Movements
The Straight-Laced
The Naturally Conventional
Systematic and Methodical
The Stiff Sitter
The Osseous Walk
The Naturally Poised
Not Given to "Nerves"
Resists Change
The Constant
The Implacable
Not Adaptable
The One-Track Man
The Born Specialist
Dislikes Many Irons in the Fire
The Most Dependable Type
Always on Time
An Exacting Man
Likes Responsibility
Finishes What He Starts
The Martyr of the Ages
Takes the Opposite Side
An "Againster"
The Human Balance Wheel
Wears Same Style Ten Years
Disdains the Fashions
When He is Rich
Doesn't Spend Money Lavishly
Not a Social Star
Likes the Same Food
Means What He Says
A Man of Few Words
The Hoarder
Careful of Money
When He is Poor
Fear of the Future
Pays His Bills
The Repressed Man
Loyal to His Few Friends
The "Salt of the Earth"
Plans Ahead
The Longest Lived
People He Dislikes
Likes the Submissive
Diseases He is Most Susceptible To
Music He Likes
Reading He Prefers
Physical Assets
Physical Liabilities
His Favorite Sports
Favorite Entertainments
Social Assets
Social Liabilities
Emotional Assets
Emotional Liabilities
Business Assets
Business Liabilities
Domestic Strength
Domestic Weaknesses
Should Aim At
Should Avoid
His Strong Points
His Weakest Points
How to Deal with this Type Socially
How to Deal with this Type in Business
The Cerebral Type
"The Thinker"
Your Freight System
Your Telegraph System
Your Working Agents
Source of Your Raw Materials
Stationary Equipment
"Every Cell Thinks"
The Large Head on the Small Body
His Small Assimilative System
Stomach vs. Brain
Why Light Lunches
Clear Thinking and a Clear Stomach
Heavy Dinners and Heavy Speeches
Uses His Head
Forgets to Eat
Physical Sensitivity
His Triangular Head and Face
Delicate Hands
Smooth Fingers
Meditation His Keynote
Air Castles
Thought for Thought's Sake
The Dreamer
Doesn't Fit
A "Visionary"
Ahead of His Time
What We Owe to the Dreamers
The Mutterings of Morse
"Langley's Folly"
The Trivial Telephone
The Wizardry of Wireless
Frank Bacon's Play
An Ideal Combination
The World's Two Classes
To be a Success
Pitfalls for Dreamers
Pitfalls for the Doer
The Hungry Philosopher
His Frail Body
Deficient in "Horse Power"
The Man of Futile Movements
His Jerky Walk
Is Lost in Chairs
Dislikes Social Life
Enjoys the Intellectuals
Ignores the Ignorant
Avoids the Limelight
Cares Little for Money
Very Often Poor
Almost Never Rich
About Clothes
Often Absent-Minded
Writes Better than He Talks
An Inveterate Reader
Where to Look for Pure Types
Interested in Everything
The Book Worm
Old for His Years
The "Teacher's Pet"
Little Sense of Time
Inclined to be Unorthodox
The Political Reformer
The Social Nonconformist
The World's Pathfinder
Indifference to Surroundings
Often Die Young
Physical Assets
Diseases He is Most Susceptible To
Music He Likes
Entertainment He Prefers
A Steady Patron at the Movies
Don't Laugh at Same Things
Cares for No Sports
Likes Mental Games
The Impersonal
Lacks Pugnacity
The Cleverest Crook
Big Brains in Little Jobs
Social Assets
Social Liabilities
Emotional Assets
Emotional Liabilities
Business Assets
Business Liabilities
Domestic Strength
Domestic Weakness
Should Aim At
Should Avoid
His Strong Points
His Weakest Points
How to Deal with this Type Socially
How to Deal with this Type in Business
To Understand Combinations
Law of Combination
Types That Should and Should Not Marry Each Other
Married to the Wrong One
Difficulties of Double Harness
Mere Marriedness is not Mating
Secrets Told by Statistics
Infatuation No Guide
The Real "Reversion to Type"
We Can Know
What Every Individual Owes to Himself
Neglected Subjects
Divorce Courts
Times Will Change
The Great Quest
Dolly's Dimple
Sammy's Smile
Little Things vs. Big Things
What the Records Show
Why He Can't Change
Diversion and Divorce
Uncongenial Work Affects Marriage
The Eternal Triangle
Law of Marital Happiness
Part One
The Most Affectionate Type
Why They are Loved
Millionaires Marry Them
The Prettiest Type
The "Womanly" Type
Marry Earliest and Oftenest
Desirable Traits of Alimentive Wives
Her Weaknesses
The Alimentive Wife and Money
In Disagreements
Lives Anywhere
Family Friends
Fat Man Also Marries Young
The "Ladies' Man"
No Fat Bachelors
The Best "Provider"
Desirable Traits of Fat Husbands
Weaknesses of Alimentive Husbands
Mates for Alimentives
Part Two
The Most Beautiful Woman
The Handsomest Man
The Thoracic Charmer
The Lure of the Thoracic
Love at First Sight
The Most Flirtatious
Overheard in Transit
The Joy of Life
Always Blushing
Most Easily Hurt
The Chivalrous Thoracic Man
Breaches of Promise
She Gets Much Attention
The Stunning Girl
The "Merry Widows"
Refuses to Grow Old
Love the "Bright Lights"
Why She Went Insane
The "Gay Devil" Husband
Makes Him Jealous
Dislikes the Monotonous
Not Easy to Live With
Desirable Traits of Thoracics
Live Beyond Means
Should Marry Own Type
Part Three
Marries Between Twenty-five and Thirty-five
Make "Sensible" Marriages
A Mate for Wearing Qualities
The Most Positive Lover
The Fatal Handicap
Desirable Traits
Mates for Musculars
Part Four
The Riddle Solved
One Lover Through Life
Live Apart from Others
Marries Less Often
Most Difficult to Live With
Likes to Dominate
The Hen-Pecked Husband
Mates for the Osseous
Part Five
Head and Heart in the Clouds
Timidity His Curse
Women Like Him
Can Not Buffet the World
Always Leap Year for Him.
The Much-Loved Cerebral Woman
The Cerebral's Weaknesses
The Saddest Sight
When Love Flies Out the Window
Mates for the Cerebral
Vocations For Each Type
"Fame and Failure"
A Favorite Fallacy
Fame's Foundation
Edison Sleeps Four Hours
Failures Who Became Famous
Play, Not Work, Brings Fame
Outdistancing Competition
Efficiency Comes from Enjoyment
Knowing What are Not Your Vocations
How to Test Yourself
The Movie Hopeful
Pleasure or Pay?
Of "Your Own Accord"
Thought it Would Do Him Good
Life Pays the Producer
The Worst Place for Her
When Considering a Position
The Big-Salaried Men
Looking for "Chicken Feed"
Causes of Misfits
Poverty's One Advantage
Richard and Dorothy
Three Kinds of Parents
Don'ts for Parents
The Woman Misfit
The Sealed Parcel
Popular Misconceptions
Misdirected Mothering
Nevers for All
Why She Taught German
Enemies and Engineering
The "Society" Delusion
The Entering Wedge
Jack of All Trades
Only Three Kinds of Work
Part One
Sells Things to People
Chances for Money-Making
A Good Overseer
Capitalizes His "Comfort" Instincts
The Alimentively Inclined
Things to Avoid
Partners to Select
Partners and Employees to Avoid
Bosses to Avoid
Localities to Avoid
Vocations for Pure Alimentives
Vocations for Alimentive-Thoracics
Vocations for Alimentive-Musculars
Vocations for the Alimentive-Osseous
Vocations for Alimentive-Cerebrals
Part Two
The Born Entertainer
Capitalizes His Approbative Instincts
Chances for Money-Making
Chances for Money-Spending
Work to Avoid
Things to Avoid
Should Not Work Alone
Business Partners to Select
Partners and Employees to Avoid
Bosses to Avoid
Localities to Avoid
Vocations for the Pure Thoracics
For Thoracic-Alimentives
For Thoracic-Musculars
For Thoracic-Osseous
For Thoracic-Cerebrals
Part Three
The Born Mechanic and Inventor
Chances for Money-Making
The Orator
Capitalizes His Activity Instincts
The Muscularly Inclined
Things to Avoid
Business Partners to Select
Partners and Employees to Avoid
Localities to Avoid
Vocations for Pure Musculars
For Muscular-Alimentives
For Muscular-Thoracics
For Muscular-Osseous
For Muscular-Cerebrals
Part Four
Capitalizes His Independence Instinct
Chances for Money-Making
Those Who are Inclined to the Osseous
The North Pole
Things to Avoid
Business Partners to Select
Partners and Employees to Avoid
Bosses to Avoid
Localities to Avoid
Vocations for Pure Osseous
For Osseous-Alimentives
For Osseous-Thoracics
For Osseous-Cerebrals
Part Five
Capitalizes His Cerebrative Instinct
The Born Writer
Chances for Money-Making
The Cerebrally Inclined
Things to Avoid
Business Partners to Select
Partners and Employees to Avoid
Localities to Avoid
Vocations for Pure Cerebrals
For Cerebral-Alimentives
For Cerebral-Thoracics
For Cerebral-Musculars
For Cerebral-Osseous






To the following men and women we wish to express our appreciation for their share in the production of this book:

To Duren J. H. Ward, Ph. D.,
formerly of the Anthropology Department of Harvard University, who,
as the discoverer of the fourth human type, has added immeasurably
to the world's knowledge of human science.

To Raymond H. Lufkin,
of Boston, who made the illustrations for this volume
scientifically accurate.

To The Roycrofters,
of East Aurora, whose artistic workmanship made it into a thing of

And last but not least,

To Sarah H. Young,
of San Francisco, our Business Manager, whose efficiency correlated
all these and placed the finished product in the hands of our


New York City,
June, 1921







What Leading Newspapers Say About Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Her Work



"Over fifty thousand people heard Elsie Lincoln Benedict at the City Auditorium during her six weeks lecture engagement in Milwaukee."—Milwaukee Leader, April 2, 1921.

"Elsie Lincoln Benedict has a brilliant record. She is like a fresh breath of Colorado ozone. Her ideas are as stimulating as the health-giving breezes of the Rockies."—New York Evening Mail, April 16, 1914.

"Several hundred people were turned away from the Masonic Temple last night where Elsie Lincoln Benedict, famous human analyst, spoke on 'How to Analyze People on Sight.' Asked how she could draw and hold a crowd of 3,000 for a lecture, she said: 'Because I talk on the one subject on earth in which every individual is most interested—himself.'"—Seattle Times, June 2, 1920.

"Elsie Lincoln Benedict is a woman who has studied deeply under genuine scientists and is demonstrating to thousands at the Auditorium each evening that she knows the connection between an individual's external characteristics and his inner traits."—Minneapolis News, November 7, 1920.

"Elsie Lincoln Benedict is known nationally, having conducted lecture courses in many of the large Eastern cities. Her work is based upon the practical methods of modern science as worked out in the world's leading laboratories where exhaustive tests are applied to determine individual types, talents, vocational bents and possibilities."—San Francisco Bulletin, January 25, 1919.


It's not
how much you
know but what
you can
that counts

Human Analysis—The X-Ray

Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every individual are indelibly stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands—an X-ray by which you can read the characteristics of any person on sight.


he most essential thing in the world to any individual is to understand himself. The next is to understand the other fellow. For life is largely a problem of running your own car as it was built to be run, plus getting along with the other drivers on the highway.

From this book you are going to learn which type of car you are and the main reasons why you have not been getting the maximum of service out of yourself.

Also you are going to learn the makes of other human cars, and how to get the maximum of co-operation out of them. This co-operation is vital to happiness and success. We come in contact with our fellowman in all the activities of our lives and what we get out of life depends, to an astounding degree, on our relations with him.

Reaction to Environment

The greatest problem facing any organism is successful reaction to its environment. Environment, speaking scientifically, is the sum total of your experiences. In plain United States, this means fitting vocationally, socially and maritally into the place where you are.[Pg 12]

If you don't fit you must move or change your environment to fit you. If you can't change the environment and you won't move you will become a failure, just as tropical plants fail when transplanted to the Nevada desert.

Learn From the Sagebrush

But there is something that grows and keeps on growing in the Nevada desert—the sagebrush. It couldn't move away and it couldn't change its waterless environment, so it did what you and I must do if we expect to succeed. It adapted itself to its environment, and there it stands, each little stalwart shrub a reminder of what even a plant can do when it tries!

Moving Won't Help Much

Human life faces the same alternatives that confront all other forms of life—of adapting itself to the conditions under which it must live or becoming extinct. You have an advantage over the sagebrush in that you can move from your city or state or country to another, but after all that is not much of an advantage. For though you may improve your situation slightly you will still find that in any civilized country the main elements of your problem are the same.

Understand Yourself and Others

So long as you live in a civilized or thickly populated community you will still need to understand your own nature and the natures of other people. No matter what you desire of life, other people's aims, ambitions and activities[Pg 13] constitute vital obstructions along your pathway. You will never get far without the co-operation, confidence and comradeship of other men and women.

Primitive Problems

It was not always so. And its recentness in human history may account for some of our blindness to this great fact.